High school graduation dates announced

The Cheatham County School District is committed to providing graduations for the Class of 2020.

The seniors have worked hard to accomplish this milestone, and we want to celebrate their achievements.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our high school graduations are being rescheduled.

Here’s our new graduation dates:

• Cheatham County Central High School: Wednesday, June 3

• Harpeth High School: Saturday, July 18

• Sycamore High School: Thursday, June 4

The following plans are based on current COVID-19 restrictions from the state of Tennessee and additional information will be provided if the situation changes.


CCCHS will hold its graduation ceremony on Wednesday, June 3 at 7 p.m. on the football field.

Each graduate will receive three tickets.

Each guest must sit in the marked and distanced seating areas as designated by staff. All attendees are requested to wear masks and hand sanitizing stations will be available.  

In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the gym with the senior class only at the same date and time.

All CCCHS senior families have received communication from the school with specific details regarding graduation. Seniors and parents, PLEASE refer to that communication for additional information.

The CCCHS ceremony will be live streamed on the CCCHS Facebook page so family and friends will be able to view it. Click here for the site.

Additionally, CCCHS will host a senior celebration parade on Sunday, May 31 at 2 p.m.

The parade will follow the traditional Homecoming route in Ashland City with seniors decorating their cars and being celebrating through town. Line-up for the parade begins at 1:30 p.m. at Riverbluff Park.


The Class of 2020 will graduate on Saturday, July 18 at 7:30 p.m. on the football field.

Originally, HHS was planning for a morning ceremony at 10 a.m. to avoid the typical summer pop-up afternoon shower, but decided to move it to the evening to also hopefully avoid heat.

At this time, HHS still doesn’t know if it will have to limit the number of guests for each student. That isn’t something HHS can speculate on as the ceremony is still five weeks away.

HHS is optimistic that anyone that wants to attend may attend. To be on the safe side, it is suggested that families make a plan for a scenario that each senior can invite four AND a plan if each senior can invite two. The school expects to make this decision by July 2.

In case of rain, the decision to move graduation inside will be made prior to setting up the stage on Friday, July 17. The school will monitor the potential for inclement weather and move it indoors if needed.

HHS has sent out an email to all seniors and senior parents so please refer to that communication for additional information.


SHS plans to host its graduation on Thursday, June 4 at 7 p.m. on the football field.

Each senior will receive four tickets for guests to attend the ceremony.

Bleachers marked for guests will be spaced six feet apart, and seniors will sit six feet apart on the football field.

In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the SHS gym. If that happens, the school will host four smaller ceremonies and seniors will be divided alphabetically into equal groups and seniors will each receive four tickets. The ceremonies would be held at 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

SHS will also host a parade for the seniors. The parade will be held on Saturday, May 30 at 10 a.m. and will follow the traditional Homecoming parade route in Pleasant View.

Local businesses are asked to decorate their buildings and make signs for the graduates. Seniors may also decorate their vehicles.

All SHS senior families have received communication from the school with specific details regarding graduation and the parade. Seniors and parents, PLEASE refer to that communication for additional information such how to pick up tickets, when to arrive for the ceremony, etc.

Additionally, the SHS ceremony will be live streamed on the SHS Facebook page so family and friends will be able to view it. Click here for the site.