Open, Out-of-County Enrollment
The Cheatham County School District will start accepting applications on April 15 for open and out-of-county enrollment for students who wish to attend our schools in the 2024-2025 school year.
Due to state law, school districts must identify each school with space available to enroll and serve additional students and post number of available spaces in each school at least 14 days before open enrollment begins.
We will post the number of available seats per each school and grade level by April 1.
According to state law, after the deadline to apply, if the number of applications exceeds the number of spots available at a particular school, a lottery option will take effect within five business days.
Open enrollment is for families who live in Cheatham County and would like for their child to attend a school other than the one they are zoned for.
Out-of-county enrollment is for families who live outside of Cheatham County and would like to request that their child attend one of our schools.
In-county applications will receive first priority for available spots.
Families must provide their own transportation for open and out-of-county enrollment.
The Cheatham County School Board will decide in early March on whether to waive the out-of-county tuition for students for the 2024-2025 school year.
You can complete the documents and return to our office in the following ways:
• Mail to Cheatham County School District, Attention: Shannon Martin, 102 Elizabeth St., Ashland City, TN 37015.
• Email the application to [email protected] – please put in subject line “Open Enrollment” or “Out of County” depending on which form you are completing.
• Drop off at the Cheatham County Board of Education Office, 102 Elizabeth St., Ashland City, TN 37015.
Filling out an application does not guarantee admittance.
For more information, contact Shannon Martin at [email protected] or 615-746-1409.