Standards-Based Grading
The Cheatham County School District’s elementary schools are excited to introduce standards-based grading for kindergarten, first-grade students and second-grade students.
Our previous grading system did not fully communicate what the students are expected to know as set forth by the Tennessee state standards. While we recognize that with change comes challenges, this new approach to grading will benefit all stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents/guardians.
Standards-based grading allows students to be more aware of what they are expected to learn and their progress through our Tennessee state standards. It will provide parents with a more detailed outline of their child’s growth and achievement.
We believe clear communication between school and home throughout the course of the year is vital to our students’ success. We look forward to working together to provide your child with the knowledge and tools needed to reach his or her fullest potential.
Attached is a Frequently Asked Questions document about standards-based grading.