Students & Parents » Grading Procedures

Grading Procedures

The Cheatham County School District has updated its grading procedures for the 2024-2025 school year.

The grading procedures will form a foundation for consistent grading practices. Grades will accurately communicate what students have learned, and each student will be an active participant in learning and assessment processes. 

• Everything graded is to be attached to a standard.   

• Zeros will be entered for all missing recorded grades and may not be adjusted without completion of the work. Grade books must reflect actual grades earned by students. No grades, individual averages or term averages, will be adjusted to reflect anything other than the grade actually earned.

• Retake opportunities will be given for up to 2 weeks after a grading period has ended, excluding the fourth quarter. 

• Retakes will not be given for mid-term and final exams.

• There will be a maximum of 2 retakes per assignment, and the teacher may require additional work prior to retake.

• The higher grade will replace the lower grade made on the prior assessment.

• The retake may be an alternate model for the original assessment.

• Each teacher will enter a minimum of 1 grade per week. 

• Assessments that cover multiple standards may be multiple grades, one for each standard. One test may have 5 or more individual grades.

• The grade book shall be set up with a 90/10 split: 90% assessment (the 90% can be split: for example, as 60% assessments and 30% quiz); students will be able to retake anything in the 90% category; and classwork and group work can only count up to 10% of final grade.

• Teachers will refrain from assigning extra credit, giving behavior grades, giving grades for donations, or deducting points for late work that are not factored into the overall grade. 

• EL and SPED teachers will work closely to determine critical standards for focus and determine an adjusted mastery scale when needed.

• All IEP, 504, and ILP accommodations must be followed explicitly by all teachers.

• Grade books are legally binding documents.