Due to COVID-19 precautions, Sycamore Middle School students will learn remotely on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
SMS students will return to school in person on Thursday, Nov. 12.
The school is closed on Wednesday, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day.
The closure will allow the Cheatham County School District to contact trace and disinfect the SMS building.
If a SMS student and/or staff member has been identified to be on quarantine through the contact tracing, they will be contacted directly by the Cheatham County Health Department or school nurse.
There will be no Cheatham Achievers afterschool program on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
Additionally, there will be no athletic practices/games and extra-curricular activities on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher or the SMS leadership team.