The following letter from Director of Schools Dr. Cathy Beck is being sent to our families today about our operational plan beginning Tuesday, Jan. 19:
Cheatham County families:
Our second semester is off to a successful start, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we have navigated the all-virtual learning schedule over the past week.
We continue to closely watch the active number of COVID-19 cases, both in Cheatham County and in the Cheatham County School District, as we make decisions that are in the best interest of our students and employees.
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 19, our elementary schools and Riverside Academy will operate on the traditional schedule and our middle and high schools will operate on the hybrid schedule.
Students who opted for the all-virtual learning model for the second semester will remain virtual.
Under the traditional schedule, our elementary school students will attend school in-person Monday-Friday.
Here’s how our hybrid schedule works for our middle and high school students: students whose last names begin with A-K will attend school in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays and receive virtual instruction Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Students whose last names begin with L-Z will attend school in-person on Thursdays and Fridays and receive virtual instruction Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Our Life Skills students will return to school five days a week beginning Jan. 19.
Also beginning Jan. 19, any middle school student who is failing two or more classes must attend school in-person four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). High school seniors who are failing one class required for graduation are expected to attend school in-person five days a week. Students in grades 9-11 who are failing two or more classes required for graduation must also attend school in-person five days a week. Your respective school will reach out to you for notification.
It is our hope to be able to transition back to the traditional schedule for our middle schools on Monday, Feb. 1 and for our high schools in mid-February. However, as we have previously stated, that decision will be contingent upon the number of active COVID-19 cases in both our district and county. I think we all agree that in-person learning is best for our children and that is our ultimate goal.
Our student daycare program will resume operations on Monday, Jan. 18. Our daycare staff will communicate any additional updates with our daycare families.
Our athletic contests/practices and extra-curricular activities will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 19. However, we will continue to follow any government executive orders and Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) guidelines regarding spectator attendance.
While we are on the hybrid schedule, our middle and high schools will have one meal distribution per week on Wednesday. The schools will communicate the times and locations with their families for the pickups. Please remember that our meals are free this year to all children ages 0-18.
We want to remind our families that we will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18 for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and there will be no school for any student.
Please continue to let your school nurses know if there is a positive COVID-19 case or exposure in your household. This will help us to ensure the safety of all our students and employees.
As always, please continue to follow the guidance of our local, state and national public health officials and medical experts to keep your family, friends and neighbors healthy by reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Dr. Cathy Beck