The Cheatham County School District has named Rachel Stuart as the new academic specialist at Cheatham County Central High School beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
Stuart is replacing Ryan Philipp, who was named the district’s new secondary academic coordinator.
Stuart, a 2009 CCCHS graduate, has taught high school math for 11 years – one year at Kenwood High School and 10 years at CCCHS.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in math and a master’s degree in computer science and quantitative methods, both from Austin Peay State University.
Stuart and her husband, Josh, and their two sons live in Cheatham County.
“I am appreciative of the opportunity to be able to serve CCCHS as the newest academic specialist. The relationships I have built with my students over the years are invaluable, but I am looking forward to being able to work with our teachers to make CCCHS the best school possible for everyone involved,” she said.